Real Deal’ Compost

Garden leaves and grass clippings hold a broad spectrum of nutrients which we compost the old- fashioned way with copious amounts of nitrogen-rich chicken manure over a 12-month period to produce a wholesome product that oozes goodness into all areas of the garden and stimulates lush green growth.

 Unlike most commercially available organic products, our superior compost is loaded with effective micro-organisms (DMO) essential for healthy plant growth. It is completely ready to use and will not cause chlorosis (an affliction resulting from organic materials which are not ready for soil amendment). This tendency often destroys newly potted seedlings or young plants because the nitrates are “sucked” into newly decomposing materials.


1-    Ouland Farm Compost (40kg bags/m3)

2-    Potting mix & lawn dressing (40kg)

3-    Ouland liquid fertilizer (5L - 200L)

4 - RTC mulch 20kg bags or /m3

5 - Biochar inoculated (5kg)